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How to Make the Best Choice

Pick a size that's just right. There is broad anecdotal evidence that many fans and motors are larger than necessary for their intended use.

One investigator concluded after making field measurements on about 1,000 motors that about half operated at less than 60 percent of their rated load and a third operated at less than half their rated load. Probably the fans whose motors were attached were similarly oversized. That's bad news for those who pay the Purchasing Advisor HVAC: Fans energy bills, because fans operate at their highest efficiency within a relatively small range. Outside of that range, efficiency drops off dramatically. To pick the appropriate size, use a fan chart such as that shown in Figure 1.

For new construction, carefully calculate the airflow and pressure drop and then add a safety factor. In a retrofit case, use the chart with data from actual measurements of flow and pressure to determine the optimum size, rather than looking for a like replacement. Check the cost-effectiveness of high-efficiency options.

Axial fans are the most efficient, but consider backward curved fans where centrifugal design must be used. To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of high-efficiency fans, estimate the time spent in full- and part-load operation and calculate the potential savings as shown in Table 1.

In addition, consider how variable-frequency drives (VFDs) might figure into the equation, especially if there are significant number of operating hours spent at part load. A VFD provides significant benefit during part-load operation for airfoil and fixed-pitch axial fans, but less benefit when applied to a forward-curved fan (horsepower requirements for forward-curved fans drop off more steeply with reduced airflow than for other fan designs, so the VFD provides less of an efficiency improvement).

A VFD should not be employed on a variable- or adjustable pitch axial fan. Such fans are designed to operate at a constant speed, and varying fan speed can cause it to operate at a resonant frequency, causing excessive vibration that can actually make the fan blades break free from the hub (potentially causing substantial damage to surrounding equipment). Pay attention to entrance and exit conditions. The conditions at the entrance and exit to a fan greatly influence fan system efficiency





Figure 1: Sample fan curve
Fan curves show the relation between the quantity of air that a fan will deliver and the pressure against which it can discharge the air. The curves also indicate the horsepower required from the drive motor for the corresponding airflow, and the fan efficiency. For a given application, pick a fan that operates most of the time at the highest part of the efficiency curve. As shown, choosing a. fan too far to the right will ensure plenty of airflow, but at a penalty in efficiency.



Table 1: Sample savings calculation for high-efficiency fans
This table illustrates the calculations require to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a high-efficiency fan.The calculation assume a full load of 10 kilowatts and a part load of 5 kilowatts, operating time of 3,000 hours per year at full load and 1,000 hours per year at part load, and an electricity cost of $0.08 per kilowatt-hour. Use a fan curve (see Figure 1) to find the efficiency at the desired operating conditions. Note that the heat generated by the fan adds to the cooling load – the energy required to remove that heat is calculated assuming a cooling coefficient of 3.4.
Centrifugal fan, forward-curved
Axial fan with vanes

Fan efficiency, full load (percent)
Power requirement, full load (kilowatts)
Fan efficiency, part load(percent)
Power requirement, part load (kilowatts)
Annual fan energy use (kilowatts-hours)
Annual cooling energy required (kilowatts-hours)
Annual energy use (kilowatts-hours)
Annual energy cost ($)
Annual energy savings ($)
Incremental fan cost ($)
Simple payback period (years)

NA = not applicable
Source: Platts


(c)2007 Stuttgart - webmaster@cetak.org